TAMPARULI, 8 Okt (Bernama) -- Dari sebuah perkampungan kecil yang terletak berhampiran kawasan hutan dara Banjaran Crocker, kini Kiulu bertukar wajah menjadi antara kawasan pedalaman yang semakin pesat membangun.
Deretan kedai papan lama telah diganti dengan bangunan baru dan moden. Begitu juga bangunan SMK Tun Fuad Stephens Kiulu, yang dahulunya beratapkan zink dan berdinding papan, kini diganti bangunan konkrit.
Sebenarnya, Kiulu yang terletak di daerah Tuaran mengalami transformasi positif dalam semua aspek termasuk kemudahan prasarana yang memberi manfaat kepada hampir 20,000 penduduk di kawasan itu.
Selain itu, Sungai Kiulu di Kiulu juga semakin terkenal sebagai satu daripada destinasi pelancongan menarik di Sabah, bukan sahaja kerana kejernihan airnya tetapi keadaan dasarnya yang berbatu-batan menjadikannya sesuai untuk aktiviti berakit.
Setiap tahun acara Kiulu 4M Challenge diadakan di mana para peserta dari dalam dan luar negeri berkunjung ke situ untuk melihat atau menyertai pertandingan berlari, berakit, berenang dengan buluh dan berjalan menggunakan kaki kayu.
Berikutan sambutan yang menggalakkan, kerajaan Sabah memasukkan acara itu dalam kalendar pelancongan negeri, sekaligus meletakkan Kiulu di dalam peta pelancongan dunia.
"Saya lihat banyak perubahan yang berlaku di Kiulu, selepas Sabah mencapai kemerdekaan menerusi pembentukan Malaysia pada 16 Sept 1963, misalnya dalam lima tahun ke belakangan ini, banyak jalan raya yang dinaik taraf dan banyak kampung yang menikmati kemudahan bekalan elektrik," kata anggota Dewan Undangan Negeri kawasan Kiulu Datuk Louis Rampas kepada Bernama, di sini.
Louis berkata kerajaan membelanjakan lebih RM50 juta bagi menaiktaraf atau mengaspal jalan raya Tomis (dekat pekan Nabalu) ke Lokos dan jalan Pukak-Mantob dalam Rancangan Malaysia Kesembilan (RMK-9), tidak termasuk sekurang-kurangnya 10 jalan kampung yang baru siap dibina atau dinaik taraf termasuk jalan Bongol-Parad dan pembinaan beberapa jambatan gantung menyeberangi sungai.
"Sekiranya semua berjalan lancar kedua-dua jalan ini Tomis-Lokos dan Pukak-Mantob dijangka siap sepenuhnya tidak lama lagi, sekaligus memudahkan penduduk dari segi pengangkutan dan membantu merancakkan aktiviti ekonomi," katanya.
Louis berkata permohonan juga telah dikemukakan untuk membina jalan raya berturap menghubungkan Mantob-Tobobon dalam Rancangan Malaysia Ke-10.
"Jalan ini penting kerana ia melengkapkan jalan pintas antara kawasan Batu 28 Jalan Penampang-Tambunan dengan Pekan Tamparuli melalui Kampung Mantob, Kiulu.
"Begitu juga jalan Pukak-Lokub-Pahu perlu dinaik taraf. Perkara ini sudah dibawa ke pengetahuan Kementerian Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah untuk kelulusan," katanya.
Sebelum ini, Menteri Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal mengumumkan peruntukan sebanyak RM2 bilion untuk melaksanakan pelbagai projek luar bandar di Sabah dalam tempoh tiga tahun akan datang.
Louis berharap projek jalan Pukak-Lokub-Pahu diberi keutamaan, sekaligus memberi kelegaan kepada penduduk di situ yang selama ini mengharapkan jalan berkenaan dinaik taraf.
Beliau berkata kerajaan negeri turut memberi perhatian kepada usaha memperluas kemudahan bekalan elektrik di kawasan Kiulu, dan sejak awal tahun ini, 24 kampung di Mukim Lembah mula menikmati kemudahan bekalan elektrik 24 jam sehari.
"Berdasarkan maklum balas, ribuan penduduk di Mukim Lembah berterima kasih kepada kerajaan yang menyediakan kemudahan elektrik, selepas menunggu sekian lama," katanya sambil menambah bahawa penduduk Mukim Lembah sebelum ini banyak bergantung kepada lampu minyak tanah dan generator.
Selain kemudahan jalan raya dan bekalan elektrik, katanya, kerajaan membina klinik desa di Kampung Kouluan dan bercadang membuka satu lagi klinik desa di Kampung Tiong Tomburong untuk kemudahan penduduk Mukim Lembah yang terletak berhampiran kaki Gunung Kinabalu -- gunung tertinggi di Asia Tenggara.
"Kita juga memberi penekanan kepada soal pendidikan kanak-kanak orang Kiulu. Dalam hal ini, Kementerian Pelajaran akan membina sebuah lagi sekolah menengah di kawasan Kiulu iaitu SMK Nabalu yang bernilai RM35 juta dalam tempoh dua bulan akan datang," katanya sambil menjelaskan bahawa hampir semua sekolah rendah di Kiulu dibekalkan kemudahan komputer bagi membolehkan murid sekolah mendalami bidang teknologi maklumat.
Rata-rata penduduk Kiulu berpuas hati dengan tahap pembangunan yang dilaksanakan kerajaan terutama dalam tempoh 10 tahun kebelakangan ini.
"Berbanding keadaan dua dekad yang lepas, banyak perubahan yang boleh dilihat di Kiulu. Banyak kampung yang menikmati kemudahan asas seperti bekalan elektrik, bekalan air bersih, jalan kampung dan dewan kampung," kata Pemimpin Kemajuan Rakyat (PKR) Kiulu, Sami Bangud.
Sami bagaimanapun turut mencadangkan pembinaan jalan disegerakan di kampung-kampung yang belum ada jalan raya atau menaik taraf jalan-jalan kampung sedia ada terutama Jalan Mantob-Tobobon dan Jalan Pukak-Lokub-Pahu.
"Saya juga mencadangkan agar klinik desa diperbanyak di kawasan Kiulu. Kalau boleh kawasan terpencil seperti di Kampung Mantob, Tobobon dan Lokos diberi keutamaan," kata Jonuin Mansamal, seorang pemimpin masyarakat Kampung Rugading, Kiulu.
Selain itu, beliau berharap pejabat pertanian Kiulu diwujudkan semula kerana majoriti penduduk Kiulu terlibat dengan aktiviti pertanian terutama penanaman getah dan padi.
Jonuin turut menyarankan agar perkhidmatan pejabat pos mini disediakan di pekan Nabalu dan Kampung Pukak supaya penduduk di situ tidak perlu lagi ke pekan Tamparuli semata- mata berurusan dengan pejabat pos.
Seorang penduduk Tiong Ratau Jostinus Baragus pula berkata selain menyediakan kemudahan asas seperti bekalan elektrik, air dan jalan kampung, kerajaan perlu memberi perhatian kepada usaha meningkatkan ekonomi penduduk Kiulu.
"Saya lihat terdapat keperluan untuk mempelbagaikan aktiviti pertanian di kawasan Kiulu. Sekarang ini rata-rata penduduk Kiulu bergantung penuh kepada hasil getah sebagai sumber pencarian mereka.
"Saya difahamkan kawasan Kiulu juga sesuai dan berpotensi untuk dijadikan pusat penanaman sayur organik...mungkin tidak salah orang kampung dengan kerjasama Jabatan Pertanian mencuba menerokanya bagi membantu menjana sumber pendapatan tambahan. Begitu juga dengan penanaman halia dan nanas," katanya.
Midin Lobintang dari Kampung Mantob turut menyambut baik pelbagai inisiatif kerajaan untuk membangunkan kawasan Kiulu.
"Dulu kampung saya tiada jalan raya dan terpaksa jalan kaki ke pekan terdekat di Pukak. Sekarang jalan raya dari Pukak ke Mantob sudah ada dan kini sedang dinaik taraf kepada jalan berturap.
"Begitu juga dengan bekalan elektrik. Dulu mahu dengar radio atau menonton tv pun susah, sekarang hari-hari dengar lagu Dusun kegemaran saya "Sayang Kinabalu" pun boleh. Kami sekeluarga begitu senang hati dengan kerajaan yang banyak membantu rakyat," katanya.
Midin yakin konsep 1Malaysia yang diperkenal Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak yang mendahulukan kepentingan rakyat, akan membawa Kiulu ke mercu kejayaan, sekaligus memberi harapan baru kepada ribuan penduduk Kiulu.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Kiulu Is Fast Developing
TAMPARULI, Oct 8 (Bernama) -- Kiulu, which was once a small remote town located close to the virgin jungles near the Crocker Range, is now witnessing rapid development.
The rows of old wooden shophouses has been long replaced by new and modern buildings. Even the SMK Tun Fuad Stephens Kiulu building that once had zinc roofs and wooden walls has been replaced with concrete building.
In fact, Kiulu located at the Tuaran district is undergoing positive transformation in all aspects including public amenities that has greatly benefited its 20,000 residents.
Other than this, the Sungai Kiulu that flows nearby is increasingly gaining attention as an interesting tourism destination in Sabah not only because of its crystal clear waters but also because of its rapids that makes it suitable for extreme sports activities.
Each year the Kiulu 4M Challenge event is held here with the participants from within and without the state converging to either watch or participate in activities like running, bamboo rafting, swimming with bamboo and walking with bamboo stilts.
Due to the encouraging response, the Sabah state government has listed the event in the state tourism calendar that puts Kiulu in the world tourism map.
"I have noticed a lot of changes in Kiulu, after Sabah gained independence through Malaysia on Sept 16, 1963. For example since the last five years many roads have been upgraded and many villages have been enjoying electricity," noted Kiulu state assemblyman Datuk Louis Rampas to Bernama, here.
Louis pointed out that the government spent more than RM50 million to upgrade or to tar the road from Tomis (near Nabalu town) to Lokos and the Pukak-Mantob road under the Ninth Malaysia Plan.
This does not include at least the 10 recently completed or upgraded village roads including the Bongol-Parad road and several suspension bridges across rivers.
"If all goes well both the Tomis-Lokos and the Pukak-Mantob roads are expected to be ready soon, making life easier for the villagers and boosting further the economic activities," he said.
Louis noted that an application has been submitted for the construction of tarred road connecting Mantob with Tobobon under the Tenth Malaysia Plan."This road is important as it completes the shortcut between Batu 28 Jalan Penampang-Tambunan with Tamparuli town through Kampung Mantob, Kiulu.
"At the same time the Pukak-Lokub-Pahu road needs to be upgraded. The matter has been brought to the attention of the Rural and Regional Development Ministry," he said.
Prior to this, Rural and Regional Development Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal had announced a RM2 billion allocation to implement a number of rural projects in Sabah in the next three years.
Louis hoped that the Pukak-Lokub-Pahu road project would be given priority, fulfilling the people's desire there who were all this while hoping that the road will be upgraded.
He noted that the state government also pays attention on the efforts to provide greater access to electricity in Kiulu, and since early this year 24 villages in the Lembah sub district have been enjoying 24-hour electricity.
"Based on the feedback, thousands of the villagers in the Lembah sub district are thankful to the government for providing electricity after waiting for so long," he said adding that the residents in Lembah sub district previously were depending on kerosene lamps and generators.
Other than roads and electricity, he said the government has set up a rural clinic at Kampung Kouluan and is planning a similar clinic in Kampung Tiong Tomburong for the well-being of the people in Lembah sub district located at the foothills of Kinabalu Mountain - the highest mountain in Southeast Asia.
"We also emphasise on the children's education in Kiulu. Regarding this, the Education Ministry will be building another secondary school in Kiulu, namely the SMK Nabalu valued at RM35 million with the construction expected to begin in two months time," he said adding that almost all primary schools in Kiulu have computer facilities to enable school children to familiarise with information technology.
It is obvious that the Kiulu residents are satisfied with the rate of development implemented by the government especially since the last 10 years.
"Compared with two decades ago, many changes can be seen in Kiulu. Many villages are now enjoying basic amenities like electricity, clean water, village roads and community halls," said the People's Development Leader for Kiulu, Sami Bangud.Nonetheless,
Sami proposed that the villages without roads must be given urgent attention especially the Mantob-Tobobon and Jalan Pukak-Lokub-Pahu road.
"I also proposed that the rural clinics be increased in Kiulu. If possible remote areas like Kampung Mantob, Tobobon and Lokos must be given priority," said Jonuin Mansamal, a community leader in Kampung Rugading, Kiulu.
Other than this, he hoped that the Kiulu agricultural office be reopened because the majority of the Kiulu residents are farmers involved in rubber and paddy cultivation.Jonuin also proposed that a mini post office be set up at the Nabalu town and at Kampung Pukak so that the dwellers of both places need not go up to Tamparuli for postal services.
A resident, Tiong Ratau Jostinus Baragus, noted that other than providing basic amenities like electricity, water and village roads, the government should also pay attention in improving the economic standing of the people in Kiulu.
"I see that there is need to diversify agricultural activities in Kiulu. At present the people of Kiulu are fully dependent on rubber as their source of income.
"I was told that Kiulu is suitable and has the potential to grow organic vegetables...maybe the villagers with the cooperation of the Agriculture Department can try their hands on this to seek additional income. So is the ginger and pineapple cultivation," he said.
Midin Lobintang from Kampung Mantob also welcomed the various government initiatives to develop Kiulu.
"Previously my village had no roads and we have to walk to the nearest town in Pukak. Now the road from Pukak to Mantob is being upgraded to tarred road.
"So is the electricity supply. Previously it was difficult to listen to the radio or watch television, now everyday we can hear songs in the Dusun language including my favourite "Sayang Kinabalu". Me and my family are grateful to the government for helping the people," he said.
Midin is confident that the 1Malaysia concept introduced by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak that gives priority to the people will bring greater success for Kiulu, and provide new hope for thousands of Kiulu residents.
The rows of old wooden shophouses has been long replaced by new and modern buildings. Even the SMK Tun Fuad Stephens Kiulu building that once had zinc roofs and wooden walls has been replaced with concrete building.
In fact, Kiulu located at the Tuaran district is undergoing positive transformation in all aspects including public amenities that has greatly benefited its 20,000 residents.
Other than this, the Sungai Kiulu that flows nearby is increasingly gaining attention as an interesting tourism destination in Sabah not only because of its crystal clear waters but also because of its rapids that makes it suitable for extreme sports activities.
Each year the Kiulu 4M Challenge event is held here with the participants from within and without the state converging to either watch or participate in activities like running, bamboo rafting, swimming with bamboo and walking with bamboo stilts.
Due to the encouraging response, the Sabah state government has listed the event in the state tourism calendar that puts Kiulu in the world tourism map.
"I have noticed a lot of changes in Kiulu, after Sabah gained independence through Malaysia on Sept 16, 1963. For example since the last five years many roads have been upgraded and many villages have been enjoying electricity," noted Kiulu state assemblyman Datuk Louis Rampas to Bernama, here.
Louis pointed out that the government spent more than RM50 million to upgrade or to tar the road from Tomis (near Nabalu town) to Lokos and the Pukak-Mantob road under the Ninth Malaysia Plan.
This does not include at least the 10 recently completed or upgraded village roads including the Bongol-Parad road and several suspension bridges across rivers.
"If all goes well both the Tomis-Lokos and the Pukak-Mantob roads are expected to be ready soon, making life easier for the villagers and boosting further the economic activities," he said.
Louis noted that an application has been submitted for the construction of tarred road connecting Mantob with Tobobon under the Tenth Malaysia Plan."This road is important as it completes the shortcut between Batu 28 Jalan Penampang-Tambunan with Tamparuli town through Kampung Mantob, Kiulu.
"At the same time the Pukak-Lokub-Pahu road needs to be upgraded. The matter has been brought to the attention of the Rural and Regional Development Ministry," he said.
Prior to this, Rural and Regional Development Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal had announced a RM2 billion allocation to implement a number of rural projects in Sabah in the next three years.
Louis hoped that the Pukak-Lokub-Pahu road project would be given priority, fulfilling the people's desire there who were all this while hoping that the road will be upgraded.
He noted that the state government also pays attention on the efforts to provide greater access to electricity in Kiulu, and since early this year 24 villages in the Lembah sub district have been enjoying 24-hour electricity.
"Based on the feedback, thousands of the villagers in the Lembah sub district are thankful to the government for providing electricity after waiting for so long," he said adding that the residents in Lembah sub district previously were depending on kerosene lamps and generators.
Other than roads and electricity, he said the government has set up a rural clinic at Kampung Kouluan and is planning a similar clinic in Kampung Tiong Tomburong for the well-being of the people in Lembah sub district located at the foothills of Kinabalu Mountain - the highest mountain in Southeast Asia.
"We also emphasise on the children's education in Kiulu. Regarding this, the Education Ministry will be building another secondary school in Kiulu, namely the SMK Nabalu valued at RM35 million with the construction expected to begin in two months time," he said adding that almost all primary schools in Kiulu have computer facilities to enable school children to familiarise with information technology.
It is obvious that the Kiulu residents are satisfied with the rate of development implemented by the government especially since the last 10 years.
"Compared with two decades ago, many changes can be seen in Kiulu. Many villages are now enjoying basic amenities like electricity, clean water, village roads and community halls," said the People's Development Leader for Kiulu, Sami Bangud.Nonetheless,
Sami proposed that the villages without roads must be given urgent attention especially the Mantob-Tobobon and Jalan Pukak-Lokub-Pahu road.
"I also proposed that the rural clinics be increased in Kiulu. If possible remote areas like Kampung Mantob, Tobobon and Lokos must be given priority," said Jonuin Mansamal, a community leader in Kampung Rugading, Kiulu.
Other than this, he hoped that the Kiulu agricultural office be reopened because the majority of the Kiulu residents are farmers involved in rubber and paddy cultivation.Jonuin also proposed that a mini post office be set up at the Nabalu town and at Kampung Pukak so that the dwellers of both places need not go up to Tamparuli for postal services.
A resident, Tiong Ratau Jostinus Baragus, noted that other than providing basic amenities like electricity, water and village roads, the government should also pay attention in improving the economic standing of the people in Kiulu.
"I see that there is need to diversify agricultural activities in Kiulu. At present the people of Kiulu are fully dependent on rubber as their source of income.
"I was told that Kiulu is suitable and has the potential to grow organic vegetables...maybe the villagers with the cooperation of the Agriculture Department can try their hands on this to seek additional income. So is the ginger and pineapple cultivation," he said.
Midin Lobintang from Kampung Mantob also welcomed the various government initiatives to develop Kiulu.
"Previously my village had no roads and we have to walk to the nearest town in Pukak. Now the road from Pukak to Mantob is being upgraded to tarred road.
"So is the electricity supply. Previously it was difficult to listen to the radio or watch television, now everyday we can hear songs in the Dusun language including my favourite "Sayang Kinabalu". Me and my family are grateful to the government for helping the people," he said.
Midin is confident that the 1Malaysia concept introduced by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak that gives priority to the people will bring greater success for Kiulu, and provide new hope for thousands of Kiulu residents.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
KOTA MARUDU, 10 Julai -- "Duit mahu beli garam pun tidak adaterpaksa makan lauk dan sayur yang tawar". Beginilah kisah keperitan hidup yangdilalui keluarga Safinah Madayah, 50, penjual jagung bakar tepi jalan diKampung Manggaris 3, dekat sini.
Katanya lebih dua dekad lepas, beliau dan suaminya Limbou Gapawi, 48, yangbaru mendirikan rumah tangga hanya bersandarkan upah gumamas (membersihkan) kebun orang lain untuk mendapatkan nafkah hidup.
"Kadang-kadang kami terima RM100 sebulan dan kadang-kadang tiada pendapatan langsung. Hidup kami amat susah sekali. Beberapa tahun kemudian, kami memutuskan untuk menanam jagung secara kecil-kecilan.
"Hasil pendapatan tidaklah seberapa tetapi cukup untuk kami meneruskan hidup. Pada tahun 1992 kami cuba pula menjual jagung bakar di tepi jalan raya Kota Marudu-Kota Belud dekat kampung ini. Pada waktu itu pendapatan kami sebulanbertambah sedikit iaitu sekitar RM300 sebulan," katanya kepada Bernama.
Safinah yang kini mempunyai enam orang anak berumur antara tujuh dan 23tahun berkata hidup menunjukkan perubahan yang ketara setelah mendapat bantuandaripada kerajaan melalui skim pinjaman Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia (AIM) yang disediakan khas untuk membantu Bumiputera memulakan perniagaan kecil-kecilan.
Katanya keluarganya memohon pinjaman itu dan diberi pinjaman RM500 pada tahun 2000.
"Itulah saya gunakan modal pusingan untuk mengembangkan perniagaan menjual jagung bakar. Selepas membayar pinjaman itu saya meminjam lagi untukmempelbagaikan sumber pendapatan dengan menjual barang kraftangan.
"Dulu saya tanam sendiri jagung tetapi dengan adanya modal yang diberi olehAmanah Ikhtiar saya mampu memajak jagung daripada penanam jagung di sekitar KotaMarudu dan bekalannya terjamin," katanya sambil mengucapkan terima kasih kepadapihak kerajaan yang begitu prihatin membantu keluarga termiskin di Sabah khususnya di kawasan Kota Marudu yang merupakan antara daerah termiskin dinegara ini.
Safinah berkata pendapatannya telah bertambah hampir lapan kali ganda dan kadang-kadang boleh mencecah RM1,000.
"Keadan hidup kami semakin baik dan mudahlah untuk menyara hidup atau menyekolahkan anak-anak kami berbanding 20 tahun yang lepas," katanya.
Beliau berkata jagung bakar Kota Marudu kini semakin popular bukan sahaja dikalangan orang tempatan tetapi juga pelancong luar negeri.
Sebenarnya perubahan hidup yang ketara bagi keluarga Safinah menggambarkan taraf kehidupan ribuan penduduk Kota Marudu semakin baik.
"Kota Marudu sekarang bukan lagi Kota Marudu dulu. Banyak perubahan yangboleh dilihat terutama daripada segi pembangunan. Misalnya di kampung kami ini,kerajaan bukan sahaja membantu menyediakan gerai menjual hasil pertaniantermasuk jagung bakar tetapi juga menyediakan kemudahan asas seperti jalan rayake kampung, bekalan elektrik dan air," katanya.
Safinah berkata perubahan itu begitu ketara sekali sejak Menteri Sains,Teknologi dan Inovasi Datuk Dr Maximus Ongkili menjadi anggota Parlimen KotaMarudu.
"Beliau (Dr Maximus) bolehlah dianggap sebagai bapa pembangunan Kota Marudukerana berjaya membawa banyak perubahan dalam semua aspek kehidupan. Dengan wawasannya yang jauh, beliau juga membawa sinaran hidup yang cerah kepada ribuanpenduduk Kota Marudu dengan memastikan lebuh raya Kota Marudu-Ranau menjadi kenyataan.
"Saya harap apabila Kota Marudu jadi pekan persinggahan maka perniagaan tepi jalan termasuk penjual jagung bakar pun dapat tempias...inilah yang kita mahu,"katanya. -- BERNAMA
Katanya lebih dua dekad lepas, beliau dan suaminya Limbou Gapawi, 48, yangbaru mendirikan rumah tangga hanya bersandarkan upah gumamas (membersihkan) kebun orang lain untuk mendapatkan nafkah hidup.
"Kadang-kadang kami terima RM100 sebulan dan kadang-kadang tiada pendapatan langsung. Hidup kami amat susah sekali. Beberapa tahun kemudian, kami memutuskan untuk menanam jagung secara kecil-kecilan.
"Hasil pendapatan tidaklah seberapa tetapi cukup untuk kami meneruskan hidup. Pada tahun 1992 kami cuba pula menjual jagung bakar di tepi jalan raya Kota Marudu-Kota Belud dekat kampung ini. Pada waktu itu pendapatan kami sebulanbertambah sedikit iaitu sekitar RM300 sebulan," katanya kepada Bernama.
Safinah yang kini mempunyai enam orang anak berumur antara tujuh dan 23tahun berkata hidup menunjukkan perubahan yang ketara setelah mendapat bantuandaripada kerajaan melalui skim pinjaman Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia (AIM) yang disediakan khas untuk membantu Bumiputera memulakan perniagaan kecil-kecilan.
Katanya keluarganya memohon pinjaman itu dan diberi pinjaman RM500 pada tahun 2000.
"Itulah saya gunakan modal pusingan untuk mengembangkan perniagaan menjual jagung bakar. Selepas membayar pinjaman itu saya meminjam lagi untukmempelbagaikan sumber pendapatan dengan menjual barang kraftangan.
"Dulu saya tanam sendiri jagung tetapi dengan adanya modal yang diberi olehAmanah Ikhtiar saya mampu memajak jagung daripada penanam jagung di sekitar KotaMarudu dan bekalannya terjamin," katanya sambil mengucapkan terima kasih kepadapihak kerajaan yang begitu prihatin membantu keluarga termiskin di Sabah khususnya di kawasan Kota Marudu yang merupakan antara daerah termiskin dinegara ini.
Safinah berkata pendapatannya telah bertambah hampir lapan kali ganda dan kadang-kadang boleh mencecah RM1,000.
"Keadan hidup kami semakin baik dan mudahlah untuk menyara hidup atau menyekolahkan anak-anak kami berbanding 20 tahun yang lepas," katanya.
Beliau berkata jagung bakar Kota Marudu kini semakin popular bukan sahaja dikalangan orang tempatan tetapi juga pelancong luar negeri.
Sebenarnya perubahan hidup yang ketara bagi keluarga Safinah menggambarkan taraf kehidupan ribuan penduduk Kota Marudu semakin baik.
"Kota Marudu sekarang bukan lagi Kota Marudu dulu. Banyak perubahan yangboleh dilihat terutama daripada segi pembangunan. Misalnya di kampung kami ini,kerajaan bukan sahaja membantu menyediakan gerai menjual hasil pertaniantermasuk jagung bakar tetapi juga menyediakan kemudahan asas seperti jalan rayake kampung, bekalan elektrik dan air," katanya.
Safinah berkata perubahan itu begitu ketara sekali sejak Menteri Sains,Teknologi dan Inovasi Datuk Dr Maximus Ongkili menjadi anggota Parlimen KotaMarudu.
"Beliau (Dr Maximus) bolehlah dianggap sebagai bapa pembangunan Kota Marudukerana berjaya membawa banyak perubahan dalam semua aspek kehidupan. Dengan wawasannya yang jauh, beliau juga membawa sinaran hidup yang cerah kepada ribuanpenduduk Kota Marudu dengan memastikan lebuh raya Kota Marudu-Ranau menjadi kenyataan.
"Saya harap apabila Kota Marudu jadi pekan persinggahan maka perniagaan tepi jalan termasuk penjual jagung bakar pun dapat tempias...inilah yang kita mahu,"katanya. -- BERNAMA
Love And Affection Helps Mohd Nazri To Repent
By Newmond Tibin
SIPITANG, July 8 (Bernama) -- By the age of 16, Mohd Nazri Osman was hooked to opium and subsequently to other drugs including marijuana, heroin and psychotropic pills.
Mohd Nazri has been in and out of drug rehabilitation centres and with a stroke of luck by the age of 41 he managed to kick the habit for good.
Today the 47-year old man is a proud restaurateur and a mentor for addicts who want to change.
And just how did this miracle happen? His is the classic case of how love and affection can help one to repent and he owes everything to one woman, his wife Dhuha Solahuddin.
It is by coincidence that both of them crossed paths and their love for each other provided a strong conviction for Mohd Nazri to change for the better.
Mohd Nazri today is the owner of the Blues Brothers restaurant in Sipitang, the town nearest to the Sabah-Sarawak border, situated 44 kilometers south of Beaufort and 144 kilometers south of Kota Kinabalu.
He is also a member of the National Former Drug Addicts' Association (Pendamai Malaysia) and serves as the motivational speaker for the organisation in Sabah.
"I feel much better now compared with the period when I was on drugs. It almost ruined my life," said the soft-spoken lad from Bidor, Perak to Bernama.
Fondly called Ito by his friends in Sipitang because of his voice that resembles one of the Blues Gang's vocalist, Mohd Nazri related that he started taking drugs when he was in Form Four at SMK Sik Abdul Ghani, Bidor, Perak.
"First my school mates introduced to me cigarettes and alcohol. Than I sought more adventure and that was when I started taking marijuana and opium. Then I turned to more powerful ones like heroin and ended up with psychotropic pills.
Five years later, at the age of 21, he was lucky to secure employment with Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) as a junior technician but those working with him did not know of his dark secret.
Then things changed abruptly in 1988 when he was caught and incarcerated at the Perlup Drug Rehabilitation Centre in Perak for eight months before being sent to the Jerantut Drug Rehabilitation Centre in Pahang for a year.
While in Jerantut, he had to undergo social work at SK Teh Jerantut and that was where a young teacher caught his attention. This is the woman who will bring a defining change to his life.
"Initially we were just saying hi to each other, then started short conversations and later longer conversations.
"Realising of my background she kept giving me words of encouragement during our conversations.
"I realised she cares about me despite my background. Love blossomed but our relationship was disapproved by her family due to my background," he said.
Both communicated on and off until 1993 when Dhuha quit her job at the school in Jerantut and left for Sipitang, Sabah in 1994 to take up another teaching job there.
Meanwhile Mohd Nazri after being released from the Jerantut Rehabilitation Centre at the end of 1989 returned home and was soon back with his old drug addict friends.
"I was caught nine times and went in and out of the rehabilitation centres four times with the last being the Sungai Besi Rehabilitation Centre in 2001," he said.
After spending two years at the centre in Sungai Besi, Mohd Nazri wanted to change for good and realised he needed the moral support of the genial teacher he befriended in Jerantut.
The opportunity to contact her only came in July 2006.
"When I called she was not at home so I left my phone number with her older sister hoping one day she will call me back. Then I learned that she had moved to Sipitang, Sabah and I was utterly disappointed.
"I thought it was all over. To my surprise, a few days later she called me. After few months of long distance courtship, I proposed to Dhuha and on Nov 23 the same year we got married in Perak," Mohd Nazri recalled with big smile.
Mohd Nazri then followed his wife to Sipitang where she has been teaching at the Sekolah Agama Pekan Sipitang to start a new life.
He also realised he had to do something to keep him occupied and thus started trying his hand in small scale business where he did well and in February 2009 he opened the Blues Brothers Seafood restaurant.
"I owe all that I have today to my wife, in particular, her will in helping me to get rid of my drug addiction. Without her, I may not be what I am today.
"I married her because she is the only one who accepted me for what I am...I truly love her," said Mohd Nazri.
Dhuha said 20 years ago she was attracted to Mohd Nazri because he was nice and showed a glimmer of hope in recovering.
"I could see in his eyes during our very first meeting that one day he will repent and today its proven," she said on her husband's dramatic change.
Apart from giving him words of encouragement, Dhuha also accepted him in her life and convinced him that "there is someone in this world who still loves you".
Dhuha said she kept on encouraging Mohd Nazri to repent during their courtship at Jerantut and through their conversations over the phone until they lost communication sometime in 1993.
Dhuha said she is very happy because her parents finally accepted Mohd Nazri as their son in law and gave them their blessings.
She fully backed her husband's initiative to venture into business and planned to open up two more branches of Blues Brothers in Kota Kinabalu and Tawau respectively.
"We plan to name both restaurants `Blues Brothers Sri Sipitang' and we hope Mara and Bank Rakyat will be kind enough to render financial assistance to make our dream come true," she said.
The Blues Brothers' specialties are Nasi Goreng Tiga Rasa, Nasi Goreng Empat Rasa, Nasi Goreng Lima Rasa, Sup Tulang and ABC Blues. The restaurant in Sipitang has four employees.
"Say no to drugs and love yourself," said Dhuha when asked on her advise to others in the same predicament like Mohd Nazri.
The exemplary couple came out in full support of the government's efforts to wage war against the drug abuse in the country.
SIPITANG, July 8 (Bernama) -- By the age of 16, Mohd Nazri Osman was hooked to opium and subsequently to other drugs including marijuana, heroin and psychotropic pills.
Mohd Nazri has been in and out of drug rehabilitation centres and with a stroke of luck by the age of 41 he managed to kick the habit for good.
Today the 47-year old man is a proud restaurateur and a mentor for addicts who want to change.
And just how did this miracle happen? His is the classic case of how love and affection can help one to repent and he owes everything to one woman, his wife Dhuha Solahuddin.
It is by coincidence that both of them crossed paths and their love for each other provided a strong conviction for Mohd Nazri to change for the better.
Mohd Nazri today is the owner of the Blues Brothers restaurant in Sipitang, the town nearest to the Sabah-Sarawak border, situated 44 kilometers south of Beaufort and 144 kilometers south of Kota Kinabalu.
He is also a member of the National Former Drug Addicts' Association (Pendamai Malaysia) and serves as the motivational speaker for the organisation in Sabah.
"I feel much better now compared with the period when I was on drugs. It almost ruined my life," said the soft-spoken lad from Bidor, Perak to Bernama.
Fondly called Ito by his friends in Sipitang because of his voice that resembles one of the Blues Gang's vocalist, Mohd Nazri related that he started taking drugs when he was in Form Four at SMK Sik Abdul Ghani, Bidor, Perak.
"First my school mates introduced to me cigarettes and alcohol. Than I sought more adventure and that was when I started taking marijuana and opium. Then I turned to more powerful ones like heroin and ended up with psychotropic pills.
Five years later, at the age of 21, he was lucky to secure employment with Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) as a junior technician but those working with him did not know of his dark secret.
Then things changed abruptly in 1988 when he was caught and incarcerated at the Perlup Drug Rehabilitation Centre in Perak for eight months before being sent to the Jerantut Drug Rehabilitation Centre in Pahang for a year.
While in Jerantut, he had to undergo social work at SK Teh Jerantut and that was where a young teacher caught his attention. This is the woman who will bring a defining change to his life.
"Initially we were just saying hi to each other, then started short conversations and later longer conversations.
"Realising of my background she kept giving me words of encouragement during our conversations.
"I realised she cares about me despite my background. Love blossomed but our relationship was disapproved by her family due to my background," he said.
Both communicated on and off until 1993 when Dhuha quit her job at the school in Jerantut and left for Sipitang, Sabah in 1994 to take up another teaching job there.
Meanwhile Mohd Nazri after being released from the Jerantut Rehabilitation Centre at the end of 1989 returned home and was soon back with his old drug addict friends.
"I was caught nine times and went in and out of the rehabilitation centres four times with the last being the Sungai Besi Rehabilitation Centre in 2001," he said.
After spending two years at the centre in Sungai Besi, Mohd Nazri wanted to change for good and realised he needed the moral support of the genial teacher he befriended in Jerantut.
The opportunity to contact her only came in July 2006.
"When I called she was not at home so I left my phone number with her older sister hoping one day she will call me back. Then I learned that she had moved to Sipitang, Sabah and I was utterly disappointed.
"I thought it was all over. To my surprise, a few days later she called me. After few months of long distance courtship, I proposed to Dhuha and on Nov 23 the same year we got married in Perak," Mohd Nazri recalled with big smile.
Mohd Nazri then followed his wife to Sipitang where she has been teaching at the Sekolah Agama Pekan Sipitang to start a new life.
He also realised he had to do something to keep him occupied and thus started trying his hand in small scale business where he did well and in February 2009 he opened the Blues Brothers Seafood restaurant.
"I owe all that I have today to my wife, in particular, her will in helping me to get rid of my drug addiction. Without her, I may not be what I am today.
"I married her because she is the only one who accepted me for what I am...I truly love her," said Mohd Nazri.
Dhuha said 20 years ago she was attracted to Mohd Nazri because he was nice and showed a glimmer of hope in recovering.
"I could see in his eyes during our very first meeting that one day he will repent and today its proven," she said on her husband's dramatic change.
Apart from giving him words of encouragement, Dhuha also accepted him in her life and convinced him that "there is someone in this world who still loves you".
Dhuha said she kept on encouraging Mohd Nazri to repent during their courtship at Jerantut and through their conversations over the phone until they lost communication sometime in 1993.
Dhuha said she is very happy because her parents finally accepted Mohd Nazri as their son in law and gave them their blessings.
She fully backed her husband's initiative to venture into business and planned to open up two more branches of Blues Brothers in Kota Kinabalu and Tawau respectively.
"We plan to name both restaurants `Blues Brothers Sri Sipitang' and we hope Mara and Bank Rakyat will be kind enough to render financial assistance to make our dream come true," she said.
The Blues Brothers' specialties are Nasi Goreng Tiga Rasa, Nasi Goreng Empat Rasa, Nasi Goreng Lima Rasa, Sup Tulang and ABC Blues. The restaurant in Sipitang has four employees.
"Say no to drugs and love yourself," said Dhuha when asked on her advise to others in the same predicament like Mohd Nazri.
The exemplary couple came out in full support of the government's efforts to wage war against the drug abuse in the country.
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